Friday, October 9, 2015

Recipe: Lucky Charm Bird Nest Treats

Ever since Squishy started school we've been doing a lot of cooking.  While it can be time consuming, and messy, to try to cook with a three year old, it also has a ton of benefits.
  • Teaches her how to cook
  • Teaches her how long it takes mommy and daddy to make the food she refuses to eat
  • Teaches basic math skills (counting, measuring, fractions)
  • Teaches patience
  • Teaches how to follow directions
  • And helps to teach kitchen/oven safety
Last week we made some delicious apple muffins that I'll probably share with the blog later on.  I forgot to take pictures this go around :(  It corresponded  with reading Apple Farmer Annie.

This week we read Who Took the Farmer's Hat so we made bird nests.  Her teacher supplied a suggested recipe to make bird nest snacks but I of course had only two of the gazillion ingredients and I avoid taking both small children to the store unless absolutely necessary so we had to make do.  Instead, we made a slightly less healthy version with snacks we had at home.

Click below to find the recipe!

  • 4 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup cocoa poweder
  • 1 container of marshmallow fluff
  • 5 cups of lucky charms
  • And fruit snack "eggs".  I encourage you to find more appropriate, and believable, eggs.  ;)

1. Melt the butter in a sauce pan.  Then stir in the marshmallow fluff and keep stirring until they are melted together.

2. Add in the cocoa and whisk until well mixed.

3. Remove from heat and add the cereal a little at a time while mixing until coated before the next addition.

4. Place in lined muffin tins and try to shape them like small nests.  Try to do it better than me.  I bet you'll succeed.  Haha.

5. Let cool for 15 minutes.  Add your "eggs" and enjoy.

They were quick and they were yummy, without being super sweet and sugary.

Best of all, Squishy got to help and talked about her bird nests until she and her daddy made two ingredient pumpkin muffins a few days later.

Squishy mixing.  Ignore my messy stove top.

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