Hi, I'm Gina, and I've been a Facebook addict since 2005. I've been clean zero days.
That's right, I've been on Facebook since the beginning. Since only college kids could get on. Since it was used for finding rides to get home. Since Zuckerberg was just a young 'un. Nine freaking years.
We've had some good times...
* It's where Hubby and I first talked
* How I've stayed in touch with family and friends
* Where I've shared my life for the past...forever it feels like.
I think Facebook is the WORST for actually keeping in touch. You get the sense that you know everything that's going on with everyone without knowing anything what's really going on. You get the superficial only. It helps people be hermits, stalk, and buy way too much crap on buy/sell/trade sites.
So, for the month of October I'm walking away. You message me? I'm ignoring you. You tag me? I don't care. If it really matters call me, text me, email me, snail mail me, or even leave me a blog comment. If you actually want to talk to me you will get in contact.
I plan to use my blog and a photobucket album (get a hold of me for the password) to keep the pictures of the girls going and for general updates.
Peace out Facebook. See you when the ghosts, ghoulies, and witches are out!